Sunday, September 14, 2008


For those of you who had been reading the news headlines for the past 48 hours, be it on paper or online, I'm pretty sure that you would have read that the Sin Chew reporter, Tan, was released in less than 24 hours following her arrest under ISA. Thank God!

Now get this (and prepare to clap and laugh): According to the highly intelligent beings, Tan was arrested under the ISA because police intelligence gathered information that Tan's life was under threat. Hmmm... now that's a first. Why don't they just provide her with police protection? Arresting someone under the ISA to keep them safe??? LOL

THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: So why release her now, if she's under threat? Did they somehow managed to eliminate the threat? Wow... that's very efficient, for once.

Hey, bozos... the whole world is laughing at us, ok. Please stop acting smart and admit that you are stupid. With people like these leading the country, it's no wonder Malaysia is heading nowhere after 50 over years of independence. Remember my previous post? Now, let's see if there's any improvement...

Since then, Malaysia's GDP (nominal) per capita has dropped to US$6648 from US$6948, while Singapore's has increased from US$35,163 to US$39,952.44. Currency exchange (ringgit) dropped to SGD1 = RM2.45, from RM2.34. Crazy huh? That's almost the same as New Zealand Dollar now (RM2.47)...

We were taught to pray for the leaders of our country, for wisdom to lead this country. I beg to differ. I will pray for them to have WISDOM to STEP DOWN. RESIGN. They are beyond help. I will pray for the new leaders of this country.


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